Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Searching for new feeds

I have to say that I didn't have a lot of luck finding feeds of interest to me using any of tools. I'm just not that into the news, in general, so the current events, up-to-the-minute news just doesn't do anything for me.

Again, I echo my earlier sentiments about blogs, a lot of folks with not much to say (or do?) are out there, apparently thinking they have something to say. I think the majority are mistaken. Searching using Technorati and Google Blog Search under "children's books", "children's literature," and storytelling didn't bring up anything on target or of interest to me. At least not on the first few pages of results. Storytelling did bring up a mildly interesting "Goddesses" site that was actually the blog of some romance writers, with a provocative romance novel cover in the lead post. The storyline of the poster's upcoming novel appeared to involve a woman married to three husbands. Not your conventional romance. While I may have to look for the novel, it wasn't what I had in mind when I entered my search.

Storytelling did randomly connect me to the Scientific American site which had fascinating article into research about the roots of the human need for storytelling. The Scientific American site has a lot of great news feed content, so I did subscribe to a few feeds there. (If I was really up on this Web 2.0 thing, I could include a hot link to the site here, but I don't know how to do that yet, so if you're interested you'll just have to muddle along and find it yourselves.)

I am, however, already starting to feel overwhelmed by the amount of content I'm receiving daily so some of these are going to have to go.

Whew! All caught up with Things 1 thourgh 6.

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